There is/are/was/were

By Rumah Bahasa Inggris Tanjung Jabung Barat - Oktober 07, 2018


Perlu diketahui there is dan there are memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu "ada" berikut penjelasannya :

1. There Is digunakan ketika kata bendanya tunggal
Rumus :
There is + singular noun + keterangan
Ex : 
(+) There is a book on the table
(-)  There is not a book on the table
(?)  Is there a book on the table ?
      Yes, there is
      No, there is not
(+) There is a girl in the room
(-)  There is not a girl in the room
(?)  Is there a girl in the room
      Yes, there is
      No, there is not

2. There Are digunakan ketika kata bendanya jamak
Rumus :
There are + plural noun + keterangan
Ex :
(+) There are flowers in the garden
(-)  There are not flowers in the garden
(?)  Are there flowers in the garden ?
      Yes, there are
      No, there are not
(+) There are seven days in a week
(-)  There are not seven days in a week
(?)  Are there seven days in a week ?
      Yes, there are
      No, there are not

penerapan rumus There was dan There were dalam kalimat Positive, Negative, dan interrogative.

1. Kalimat Positive :
Untuk membuat kalimat positive kita hanya perlu menggunakan rumus :

There was + Singular Noun (Benda Tunggal)
There were + Plural Nouns (Benda Jamak) 

Singular Noun (Benda Tunggal) :
  • There was a car in front of my house yesterday (ada sebuah mobil di depan rumah saya kemarin)
  • There was a book on the table an hour ago (ada sebuah buku di atas meja itu satu jam yang lalu)
  • There was a guitar in my room last month (ada sebuah gitar di kamarku bulan lalu)
Plural Nouns (Benda Jamak) :
  • There were three cars in front of my house yesterday (ada tiga buah mobil di depan rumah saya saya kemarin)
  • There were some books on the table an hour ago (ada beberapa buku di atas meja itu satu jam yang lalu)
  • There were two guitars in my room last month (ada dua buah gitar di kamarku bulan lalu)
2. Kalimat Negative :
Untuk membuat kalimat Negative, kita hanya perlu menambahkan Not setelah there was/ there were, sehingga rumusnya menjadi :

There was + Not + Singular Noun (Benda Tunggal)
There were + Not + Plural Nouns (Benda Jamak)

Singular Noun (Benda Tunggal) :
  • There was not a car in front of my house yesterday (Tidak ada sebuah mobil di depan rumah saya kemarin)
  • There was not a book on the table an hour ago (Tidak ada sebuah buku di atas meja itu satu jam yang lalu)
  • There was not a guitar in my room last month (Tidak ada sebuah gitar di kamarku bulan lalu)
Plural Nouns (Benda Jamak) :
  • There were not three cars in front of my house yesterday (Tidak ada tiga buah mobil di depan rumah saya saya kemarin)
  • There were not some books on the table an hour ago(Tidak ada beberapa buku di atas meja itu satu jam yang lalu)
  • There were not two guitars in my room last month (Tidak ada dua buah gitar di kamarku bulan lalu)
3. Kalimat Interrogative :
Untuk membuat kalimat interrogative kita hanya perlu memindahkan be (was/ were) ke awal kalimat, sehingga rumusnya menjadi :

Was There + Singular Noun (Benda Tunggal)
Were there + Plural Nouns (Benda Jamak) 

Singular Noun (Benda Tunggal) :
  • Was there a car in front of my house yesterday (Adakah sebuah mobil di depan rumah saya kemarin?)
  • Was there a book on the table an hour ago (Adakah sebuah buku di atas meja itu satu jam yang lalu?)
  • Was there a guitar in my room last month (Adakah sebuah gitar di kamarku bulan lalu?)
Plural Nouns (Benda Jamak) :
  • Were there three cars in front of my house yesterday(Adakah tiga buah mobil di depan rumah saya saya kemarin)
  • Were there some books on the table an hour ago(Adakah beberapa buku di atas meja itu satu jam yang lalu)
  • Were there two guitars in my room last month (Adakah dua buah gitar di kamarku bulan lalu)
Jawaban untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah :
Yes, There was atau Yes, there were (bila jawabannya Ya), dan No, There was not atau No, there were not bila jawabannya tidak ada.

Catatan : 
Was not dapat disingkat menjadi Wasn't, dan were not dapat disingkat menjadi weren't.

Demikian penjelasan mengenai There was, There were = "Ada". Semoga bermanfaat.

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