
By Rumah Bahasa Inggris Tanjung Jabung Barat - Oktober 06, 2018

Page 6 workbook


Determiners adalah kata yang diletakkan di depan nomina (nouns) yang berfungsi sebagai penanda (noun markers) yang memperjelas makna kata benda tersebut.
Computer bila ditambah determiners those, yaitu those computer, maka kita akan tahu komputer mana yang dimaksud.
Beberapa determiners, yaitu:
1. Possessives , misalnya: your, her, my, his, their, our, its, my parents', whose, dll.
My shirt is in the room
My parents’ is at my grandfather’s house
2. Quantifier: A few, much, many, a little, some, any, every, each, dll.
Every student needs study hard
3. Artikel (a, an, dan the)
Eating an apple every day is good for our health
The good news is a history book still available at the library
4. Ordinal number/bilangan bertingkat: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, dll.
My first sister will go to Hongkong next week
I will go to the fifth floor
5. Demonstrative (this, that, these, those, etc)
This desk used by my manager
Those oranges belong to Jack’s mother
6. Number/angka: one, two, three, dll.
Five balls had bought last night by mother

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