How to Respon to Thank You

By Rumah Bahasa Inggris Tanjung Jabung Barat - September 28, 2018

Bagai mana cara merespon jika seseorang berterima kasih kepada kita adalah sebagai berikut.

- You are welcome
- Thank you (jika sama-sama memberi)

Selain beberapa kalimay di atas, ada beberapa cara lain untuk merespon ucapan terima kasih atau thanking:

You very/quit/ truly welcome
No problem
Not a probleme
No problem-o
Don't mention it
Don't worry about it
No worry about it
It's/it was nothing
With pleasure
It's/ it was my pleasure
Anything for you/ the team/ the company
Anything to make you/him/her happy/ smile
I'm/ I was happy to help

 Sumber youtube with keyword: 17 ways to say "you are welcome

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